Friday, December 21, 2007

Haiti Water Summit and Nassau Club visits in December

What a great event. It began with the usual Airport welcome by Nessim and team. VIP treatment all the way. A DG could get used to that. We arrived earlier than Wilf so we went on to the Hotel and checked in. I then went back to the airport to meet him with Nessim as Carla and DG Nathan of 6910 waited patiently for our arrival.

Once Wilf and John Germ had checked in we moved on to a very nice restaurant for dinner where Wilf, John Guy myself and the rest of the Task Force discussed the Task Force issues and the challenges we are having with Matching Grants.

The meeting was very productive and the Task Force Paper was accepted as the way to move forward with the projects. Their advice and guidance was critical to doing it right the first time.
Guy and Wilf discussing the opportunities.

Day 2 brought the Summit opening and some exciting racing through the streets in armored cars with a police escorts. Not your usual Summit I am sure, but it’s the way the great team of the Petion-Ville Club did it with the guidance of Chairman Claude, President Raphael and ADG Nessim.
Carinne keeping us all in order

The Canadian Ambassador has assigned his armored car and security detail to President Wilf and John Germ The balance of us were included in the convoy in cars behind.

The morning started with a breakfast with the Canadian Ambassador at his residence. It was a very interesting breakfast as the Canadian Government is deeply involved in the future development in Haiti and it was good to have their perspective and to see where we could find synergies through Rotary.

We then went to the official opening of the Summit where Wilf and I made some opening remarks. Shortly after that we were transported to a Hospital where we each had the opportunity to vaccinate a child for Polio. It was the event of a life time for me. On our return Carla found out what had happened and was not very happy that she had missed the chance. I guess I need to make it up to her somehow.

We visited another hospital (FAHSI) in the afternoon where the Petion-Ville Club had donated through connections with the US army the ICU equipment for the hospital. A major contribution to that hospital. All the equipment was refurbished and like new.
After Lunch we went to President Prevals residence and met with him. We discussed Rotaries role in the country and committed to facilitate a long term Water Resource Sustainability Master Plan. We were able to adopt a resolution to that effect at the end of the Summit signed by Petion-Ville,, President Wif and myself.

That evening there was a Presidential Gala at a very pristine property in the hills. A good time was had by all and we wrapped up by just after 11:00 PM to be ready for the next day of the Summit.

The Summit program was great on Saturday and was intermingled with Task Force meetings and networking opportunities. After the closing the Task Force met again to complete its list of action Items and we Then met with the Board and leadership of Pure Water for the World. We discussed at length the way forward with their project and came to what I believe is a fair and reasonable agreement on how we should move forward.

Interestingly, there were so many details that needed to be agreed on that we all understood that there would be no way to specify each of them in writing and that for efficiency sake we would accept that the agreement was one reached based on the principles of the 4 Way Test and all parties would act accordingly. I think this speaks to the strength of Rotary and its principles.

A great job done by the organizing committee and great commitment bu Guy Theodore and the Task Force to process all the tasks in the short time we had. Thank You

After that marathon meeting we went to dinner at the Hotel with a number of MG participants and then off to the airport first thing in the morning. Back home to Nassau by late Sunday.

This week we met with the New Providence Board and then joined the Club for dinner. The highlight was to present a PHF to Sophie, President Michael Fowlers wife. For those of you that do not know President Michael was hit by a car while leaving a Rotary meeting earlier in his year and passed away as a result. Our prayers and thoughts are with the family and the club has gone the extra mile to keep her involved and have a 2 year scholarship for their daughter.

Wednesday night we met with the Board of the Nassau Sunrise Club and then joined them for breakfast the next morning. It was a Christmas themed breakfast which included Christmas carols and bad jokes. It was a lot of fun.

62 clubs completed, 2 in Turks and Caicos and 4 in Cayman to go and they will be done in January. I’ll try to do one more update before the holiday. If I miss I,

Have a Very Merry Christmas
DG Dick and Carla

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