Saturday, November 10, 2007

Jamaica Central finished

November 9, 2007
Jamaica Central

Ricks in Negril
On Tuesday Morning, the Sav La Mar team of Christine and Mark, picked us up at 7:00 AM and we headed for Black River where we joined ADG Patrick Adizua and the Black River Board for a late morning breakfast meeting. It was a very nice drive to the south and central portion of Jamaica. The club there was very interesting. The economy of the region has declined over the last decade and there is little encouragement that it will change, but the club continues to do great things for the community, such as a scholarship for a needy student, and supply tarps for homes damaged in Hurricane Dean. The Interact Club President sat in on our meeting and we visited the school afterwards where they are doing some work on the Computer Lab and some other things.

After a short stop at the Black River Riverside Dock where we could watch the crocodiles and some touristic activity we left for the next club.
Hospital Kitchen project.
We then went on to Santa Cruz where we met with the Board at a very nice restaurant and enjoyed a great meeting and late lunch. President Rupert has a great team and a strong and involved board. This club provides meals for all 40 students at the School of Hope every day for the entire school year as well as supporting their involvement in the Special Olympics. The club is also putting a fantastic Clock Tower in the center of town. I have included a picture of it below.

After a few project visits we drove to Mandeville where we checked into the Mandeville Hotel. Patrick had arranged for us to have the honeymoon suite. It was very nice, and very big, however Patrick failed to give us any time to use it. Shortly after arrival we went to Patrick’s house to enjoy a welcome reception. Great fun and fellowship! The Rotaract team was there and looked like they were going to be there for the night by the time we left!

Rain has been a BIG problem for months!

Wednesday morning we went to the interior, to May Pen and met with the May Pen Rotary Club. President Robbie and his team made sure we had a local breakfast which we enjoyed thoroughly. We began to get a sense of Jamaican time by this point, but more awaited. After a great Breakfast/Lunch we went to look at a couple of projects. The club has received 25 Shelter Boxes to be used in the Portland Cottage and Rocky Point areas to help those that lost their homes in the floods from Dean and Noel. They have also set up a couple to house the Basic School until such time as they get a roof back on the classroom area. They are also doing a Literacy project in a well known troubled area, Canaan Heights and Hazard Drive.

We went to visit PDG Garfield Thomas at his home in Mandeville. Garfield and Judith were very hospitable as usual and we enjoyed the time with them. Garfield is recovering slowly but is glad to have the Family of Rotary come by to see him. If you are in the Mandeville area be sure to ask ADG Patrick to arrange for a short visit to say Hello.

We then went on to Christiana located in the interior where we met with President Eric and his board members. We began by taking an excursion through the hills to visit a couple of schools and a Hydroponic / Greenhouse farm in very rainy conditions. Thanks Nassau Clubs for the Eddie Bauer jackets!

The Lower School project (Mount Olivette I think) truly caused tears to well up in my eyes. The school originally had 200 students from grade 1 through 6 all learning in a one room area. The Club together with a group of Community service minded spring breakers undertook to divide the rooms so each grade would have their own room with an additional craft room and library / resource area. What a Difference!!!!!

After that we went by a Basic school where they have provided a water storage tank to ensure that there is always water available when the children are there because the supply system is intermittent. We were now into lesson # 2 on Jamaican time.

We went back to Rotarian Vernie’s home where we had a board meeting. We were to be travelling to the Little Ochi Seafood Restaurant to meet up with the incoming ADG Lindy Rose and some folks but by the time we finished the meeting, night had fallen, the restaurant was an hour away through the hilly and rainy country roads so we joined the Christiana Club for dinner. It was a great dinner, and we had very enjoyable fellowship.

Early Thursday morning we went to Bloomfield Great House where we met with the Mandeville Rotary Club. This is a very strong Club and has been able to sustain many large projects. This is ADG Patrick’s Club as well. We had a great breakfast meeting in a very beautiful place!
After the meeting we went to tour the Baron Hall Coffee Factory where we had an extensive tour and a sample of some great coffee. We were able to get a quick pre tour of the Sacred Heart Catholic Craft Fair that afternoon. What an amazing presentation of fantastic local art. The set up alone was work the visit.

That night we had a joint Club Assembly where we had the chance to recognize a Paul Harris Fellow, and two local Rotarians that had contributed to Rotary over the years. The event was well attended by the two Rotary Clubs and they gave Carla and I a great framed certificate with a picture of the members.

We were given a great basket of locally manufactured products from the region. It was a good thing we had a spare duffle bag because they were very generous.

We had a 6:00 AM departure the next morning to Montego Bay with our very dedicated ADH Patrick. We witnessed one frightening event on the way when the car ahead of us hit a young boy. Fortunately our ADG Dr. Patrick Adizua was there and with his help it worked out as the young man was transported to the hospital. We went on to Montego bay, collected the gift from ADG Haresh’s Clubs, a beautiful original painting and off to the airport and Air Jamaica back to Nassau. There is a Reggae Concert tonight in Nassau and all the stars were on the flight with us yesterday. Unfortunately I am not that exposed to who they are as I listen to country, but I tried to be cool and be impressed. It was great to be home but we will really miss the incredible hospitality of the Jamaican Rotarians.

We have a wedding of our good friends Andy and Katy this weekend and the final NASCAR Race at Homestead, then back to Rotary business. Its the final 2 races and Jeff Gorden is 30 points behind Jimmy Johnson for the Championship which ends afetr the next 2 races.

For those of you that don't follow the races which is most, Jeff has won the Championship 4 times and is going for his 5th. Jimmy Johnson is a guy he hired and he ownes the car and is on the same team. BIG PREASSURE !!!!!! for me anyway. I’ll keep you posted.
DG Dick

1 comment:

Ronny Paul Haddocks MCP said...

Absolute a master piece of achievement,the blog reflects images of a transparent active organisation. I will like to see more of this blog as is sets the pattern for expansion.

Good Luck.

Ronny P.Haddocks
Rotarian St.Maarten Sunrise Club