Thursday, October 18, 2007

St. Thomas and to St. Croix

Just a quick update for everyone. We got up Wednesday morning and Don took us off to meet the St. Thomas II board and a visit to the Lockhart Elementary school where we donated Dictionaries. Great Board meeting and a strong club.

What an amazing expression of gratitude by the students. They looked up Sharing and we touched on Rotary shares a bit. They also looked up the Bahamas.

We went to the St. Anns retreat Seniors center where they had made up a welcome jingle which they sang to us. From 3rd graders to the seniors and Rotary doesn’t miss a beat. A picture of a real and very special Thank You from the wonderful administrator of the facility.

We had a joint lunch at the Marriott that was well attended and a lot of fun. The Sergeant raised a small fortune with the Happy Moments. I had the pleasure to pin the Spouse of the Governor of The USVI. She became an honorary Rotarian with the St. Thomas II club. the clubs also donated $1,750 towards the recovery effort in Haiti. Thank You St. Thomas and St. John

Don dashed us off to the airport and off to St. Croix. We had a great flight over in a small plane and were greeted by the St. Croix contingent once we all found the same gate. DGN Rupert was there as well.

We were taken to our hotel, the Buccaneer and unpacked and enjoyed a few minutes relaxation. We joined the presidents for a Welcome Dinner which was very good.

Today we began by meeting with the Rotary Club of St. Croix Harbor side. Awesome small club doing great things.

Carla got a few minutes downtown Christiansted to look around. It is very quiet there and business looks slow. It is the off season here.

We went to the Catholic Charities center where in honor of World Food day the Rotary club of St. Croix was feeding the homeless. I got to serve the people as they came in. There were quite a few of them. A humbling experience.

We met with the Rotary Club of St. Croix board for lunch followed by a visit to the Lt. Governors house to meet with him. He is a very friendly and entertaining gentleman. After a tour of the building by President Sonia ADG David brought us back to the Hotel to get ready for the Karaoke tonight., I need some good luck on this.
The leadership of the District may be at risk. Seen here is the District Governor Elect in his home town wearing what I assume is the normal attire!!!!

Seen here is the current District Governor after one day in St. Croix and a reasonably generouse portion of Cruzan Rum!

This was us singing YMCA to raise some funds for the Foundation. I understand we probably could have rasied more if we had asked them to pay us NOT to sing.

A great night of Karaoke

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