Wednesday, October 3, 2007

We are at Zone

From our room balcony!

For those of you that travel a lot I am sure you understand that its not what it used to be. Our flight from Atlanta to Myrtle Beach was to depart at 12:15 PM on Monday. After many announcements and comments about a small maintenance item being repaired we were told we could board the plane at 2:40 PM. We got on board and waited for a while before heading out towards the runway. Part way there they stopped and seemed to just run the engines. This was followed by an announcement that we would be going back to the gate because the small maintenance item was still a maintenance item.

The pilot had a sense of humor saying that he would be better to fix it on the ground than to try to fix it in the air. They disembarked us and we waited in silence. the then told us they would get a back up plane and we would soon be off. They did not say where the plane would come from and from the time it took it may well have been one of the ones stored in the Arizona Desert. Any way at 6:30 we began reboarding and were on our way.

Myrtle Beach is a great place, reminds me a little of New Smyrna or Daytona Beach. We are checked in and did a little shopping yesterday for stuff more available in America, such as travel size shaving creams etc.

We attended our first Executive Board meeting of the Zone Planning Committee at 7:00 AM this morning to begin to get a feel for what goes on. Next year I am the Facilities and Arrangements Chair for the Zone in Nassau Bahamas. It looks like they have set the bar very high, but Carla and I are very excited.

Today the District Governor Elects begin their training, joined by District Governor Nominees this evening at a reception. Tomorrow there are 3 separate sessions, one for the DG's, one for the DGE's and One for the DGN's. Each of these are accompanied by a session for the spouses.

I'll keep you posted on what happens and send some pictures that I get today.

DG Dick and Carla

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