Sunday, October 14, 2007

Tortolla Projects and St. Thomas 50th

I just spent from 7:15 AM to 8:35 doing the blog, and was downloading my last picture when the power and router went out so here I go again.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tortola Site visits and off to St Thomas for anniversary

We started the day with a meeting with the Interact Club of Road town. They were a very intelligent group committed to make strides forward. It is an interesting make up of members. They come from a number of different schools and are currently having a membership drive at a few more. They seem very resourceful and I am confident they will have a great year. Their president is Suzette Richardson.

After the Interact meeting I went on the Live Radio show Reach from St. Thomas. I called in on ADG Vances cell phone. I hope all the minutes don’t come through at once. Something tells me that since he heads up cable and Wireless he should be OK.

We joined together in a bus with a cooler and a few bits of nourishment and went to visit the Rotary Projects.

1st stop was to present the Infant Ventilator at the hospital funded by the Rotary club of Tortola and partners. That went well as was capped off by the Doctor that uses it most telling us how it saves lives and how without it many more lives would be lost. A great presentation.

We went to the airport to see two Rotary Signs. One is placed outside and visible to all, and the other is an electronic one inside at customs that shows multiple adds to those that wait to clear customs.

Johnathan and I at the Airport

We went to the Mangrove walk project where Rotarians are completing a elevated walkway through the mangroves for students to use as they learn about the flora and fauna in that environment. A very different and exciting project.

We then traveled across the Island and saw signage of Rotary at work at schools etc and ended up at the centennial viewing station done by the Road Town Club.

After a casual lunch we were off to the Ferry for St. Thomas and the 50th Anniversary celebration. A special thanks to ADG Vance, the Club Presidents, and Monica for the planning. Tortola was a great visit, THANK YOU TORTOLA !!!!!

The rest of these go to the Seargents, there is some fund raising potential in these shots

Janette and her team did a great job. It was very well attended including many out of towners. There were some recognitions and a short presentation by RID Barry and a lot of dancing and good times. A very good Silent Auction as well.

Today we have a joint bruncheon, that a luncheon done at a brunch! A small gathering tonight and on the Club Visit Trail tomorrow, Don has really loaded up the schedule!

1 comment:

PDG David Edwards,7030 said...

Excellent articles DG Dick. You and Carla sure are doing a fine job.
Keep it up